Finn's home movie

Friday 10 October 2008

It's called survival..........

Well, I've made it to week 4. Though not without an emotional wobbly............. going on annual leave for a couple of weeks created a panic of sorts, this time frame just keeps pushing out further. It also felt like I had forgotten everything I'd ever learnt about blogging, flickr etc, but it's now coming back with a little help from some colleagues........thanks girls.
I did enjoy Flickr, managed to load some favourite shots of my last holiday to Europe and then I successfully loaded some workplace photos of my library refurbishment, so am feeling not so incompetent now. This met the suggested adventure requirement for week 3.
The bonus with Flickr has been viewing photos of one of my grandsons and his family. His father is a keen photographer and computer graphics expert, and he has loaded many photos onto Flickr so anyone can catch up with their family photographs in an instant. This has been great particularly for them as they have close family in Ireland, enabling them to see the first grandchild through Flickr and also Youtube, where Dad has also loaded family videos. All this modern techno stuff has really enriched this family's life by enabling the sharing of photos and videos across the other side of the world for very little expense.
Well, ever onward..... next is RSS.........I can hardly wait.........

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